Author, Teacher, Speaker
Jasmine Holmes is a wife, mother, and author. Jasmine has written for CBMW, RAANetwork, The Gospel Coalition, and more. She and her husband Phillip have one son, and they reside in small town Mississippi.
I’ve been in Atlanta all week with my husband. We’re here half for ministry (for me), part for work (for him), and part for some quality time with just us two. We left on the heels of hosting my family all the way from Zambia. In fact, seven of my siblings, my mom, and my dad are back in our eighteen hundred square foot home with our sons. I should be laying in a hotel bed binging Parks and Rec with my husband. And I will be soon. But I have something to say about motherhood and mom guilt.
We live in a culture where our personalities are seen as the compass of our calling. I know all too well the fear of making an idol of self.
A few months ago, I wrote an article for Legacy about friendship. In it, I tried to be as honest as possible about the struggle of being a transplant in Mississippi’s foreign culture, and my own hang-ups with making new friends. I hit send. Weeks passed. A couple of months. Then the article went live. And I had more than one friend reach out to me and ask me if we were okay. “I thought we were friends!” Undercover Trust Issues I’m not a journaler, and I try not to use my articles as thinly veiled diary entries. However, there…
Perhaps the measure of our godly womanhood isn’t the ease in our season or the hardship, but, rather, the holiness it’s bringing about in our lives.
I am out of the habit of blogging. This will not come as a shock to anyone who has been keeping an eye on this space. My little corner of the internet has been pin-drop quiet for quite some time. I took a break in the months leading up to my book deadline — but that deadline has come and gone. I took a break in the weeks after my son was born — he’s eight months old now. I took a break as we closed on and moved into our very first home — we’ve had an entire summer…
“So, have you noticed that it’s a lot easier to take care of your home now? You know, since you’re not working anymore and can focus fully on your responsibilities?” I smiled and thought, That’s not loaded at all. I said, “It’s been great to be on summer vacation, but I’ve actually felt like I’ve been able to balance a lot better in general.” This blog has been quiet recently, but my life has been the opposite. I have three-year-old and a six-month-old. We just bought our first home, planting ourselves firmly in this Mississippi soil. My seventh year teaching…
What should satisfy wives is the same thing that should satisfy husbands.
Be like Jesus, even on social media. All of his dimensions and interactions can teach us something. Like the fact that there is a time and place for a tender heart and a time and place for flipping tables.
I’m not making these proclamations as a voice from on high. My social media forays bring out just as much pettiness in me as I see in others. If we’re talking logs and specks, I’m walking around with a California redwood lodged in my eye. Here are three things I would love to see less of (and more of) on social media.
Black history is American history, which means it’s not just relegated to one month every year. So I challenge you to pick up a few of these throughout the rest of 2018!
It’s your mama’s birthday today. You give her strength. You give her hope. You are the best gift she could ever ask for. She hopes you’re a gift of grace to this fragmented world.
This column is me trying to encourage you to see womanhood, not as a tiny, segmented box that we all have to fit into, but a gift from God that’s intricately woven into his story in creation.